Why Use Corporate Branded Gift Cards?

Gift cards are a popular and versatile gift option, and they can be a great way to boost sales for your business or recognise staff for key moments - but they lack a true connection back to business when they are spent. How can you tie your brand back to the gift itself?

Enter uChoose Visa Gift Cards! With uChoose, you can add your company’s branding to the card itself, letting your customers and staff think of your brand every time they make a purchase. Why promote a store chain at the purchase point, that isn’t linking back to the company that gave out the gift card? Every business wants the gift to connect with a brand.

Custom gift cards are typically branded with your business’s logo, colours, and messaging. This makes them a more memorable personal gift, and even better, it helps promote your brand.

The branding benefits of custom gift cards extend even further and can offer several other advantages than gift certificates that we will share below. The key outcome is that by creating branded Visa gift cards for your business, you can enhance your brand visibility, increase customer and staff loyalty, and drive sales.

Company Branded Visa Gift Cards

Corporate branded Visa gift cards offer a flexible and convenient reward and gift option for both businesses and customers. These gift cards are backed by a trusted Visa logo, which adds credibility and reassurance to your brand.

Why should you consider incorporating company-branded Visa gift cards into your business strategy?

Boost Your Brand Visibility

Custom gift cards provide a unique opportunity to showcase your business name and logo to a wider audience. When customers purchase or receive your branded gift cards, they become walking advertisements for your business. Whether they use the gift cards themselves or gift them to others, your brand will be seen by more potential customers, increasing brand awareness and exposure.

Enhance Customer Loyalty

By offering corporate prepaid cards, you give customers a reason to keep returning. Branded Gift cards create a sense of loyalty and exclusivity, as customers are more likely to choose your business over competitors when they have a gift for their business with you in hand. The creation of reward and gift repetition behaviour leads to repeat business and increased customer retention, helping you build long-term relationships with your clients.

Drive Sales and Increase Revenue

Visa Gift cards are great for customer retention and driving sales from customers. Customers who purchase gift cards prepay for your products or services. This means that you still benefit from the initial purchase even if the recipient spends less than the gift card value. Moreover, studies have shown that gift card recipients often spend more than the value of the gift card, resulting in additional revenue for your business.

Company Branded Gift Cards

Besides company-branded Visa gift cards, custom gift cards can also be a valuable asset for your business, better than gift certificates and flexible delivery options. Here are reasons why you could consider using company-branded gift cards:

Versatile Gifting Options

Company-branded gift cards offer flexibility in how they can be used. They can be redeemed in-store, online, or through other sales channels, providing customers with convenient options to use their gift cards. As far as gifts go, this versatility appeals to any demographic and target audience, making the decision easier for customers to choose your brand as the perfect gifting solution for any occasion.

Creative Design Options

When creating custom gift cards, you have the freedom to design them according to your brand’s aesthetics. You can incorporate your business logo, choose from various design templates, and add a personalised message. The ability to customise the design of the gift cards allows you to align them with your brand identity and create a visually appealing product that customers will love.

Additional Revenue Streams

Aside from direct sales to customers, custom gift cards can also be sold as standalone products. This means you can generate revenue by offering gift cards for sale, attracting new customers who might not have been familiar with your business otherwise. By promoting and selling your company branded gift cards, you tap into a new way to boost your sales and reach a wider audience. 

Custom gift cards are a perfect way to boost sales, improve customer loyalty, and enhance your marketing. Better than gift certificates, they are also a convenient, secure, and flexible way to give your customers a gift. If you’re looking for a way to promote your business and show your appreciation to your customers, free yourself from gift vouchers and create your own custom gift cards and Visa gift cards.

Unlike a gift certificate, creating custom gift cards for your business is straightforward. You can partner with gift card service providers who offer customisable options, allowing you to add your own design by adding a business name, logo, and desired design elements. These providers often offer online platforms where you can easily design and order your gift cards.

No, by default, the expiry date on your custom gift cards with be set by the provider link to the date of purchase. It is recommended to choose a reasonable timeframe that allows customers enough time to redeem their gift cards. Digital gift cards will give greater visibility of your gift vs paper gift certificates as you can digitally track dates.

Custom gift cards act as miniature billboards for your brand. Customers who purchase or give away your gift cards spread awareness of your business to their social circles. Look at my gift! Additionally, if your gift cards have eye-catching designs, they can attract attention when displayed in-store, as a subtle promotional tool to entice potential customers.

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